Highest Rated Comments

andycyca2 karma

To the MOD guys: I just bought a book that is actually available for free in your website, so my sanity is questionable. Do you have any plans for continuing the MOD books or any other "crowdsourced" book? Would you ever write together? Also, thanks a lot for your answers in past AMAs, I love your work!

To all authors: what's your favorite book in the bundle? What non-bundle book would you recommend? Have you or would you participate in NaNoWriMo?

To Ryan: Who are your influences for the visual style in your comic? I just can't pinpoint it.

andycyca1 karma

Thanks! I mentioned NaNo because crazy creative stuff and writing are common for you. Best of luck!

andycyca1 karma

I've never understood the anti-NaNo folks

I'm not a specialist, but I think this happens pretty much with every "new" effort to change the rules of the game (even if there aren't rules at all):

  • Atonal music? Not good / lazy / inexpressive
  • The dadaist experiments? Lazy / stupid / incoherent
  • Et cetera...

you can go back and revise it

As a NaNo-ML this is the hardest thing to communicate: NaNo will create drafts. Unless you're some sort of Mozart who writes well on the first run, everything must be revised, edited and deleted/re-written, which is also fun... sometimes.

NaNo shows them that it's possible to write a book, which opens all sorts of doors.

ding ding You've said it better than I could

andycyca1 karma

it gets folks to set concrete goals and achieve them! That's the hardest part of being a writer.

Thank you! For many, NaNo is a bad thing ("it's not about speed, you have to write something actually good") but hearing this from a published author is comforting. Good luck!

andycyca1 karma

Well, you're right about the social component of NaNo. Being a NaNo fan, I'm sad to hear that it wasn't fun for you, but I understand that it "needs" a very specific mindset and goals.

Thanks for your reply, good luck!