Highest Rated Comments

angrybitcoin6 karma

The attack dogs are just as reponsible for their actions as their leaders. As for Daniel, he is producing propaganda on the behalf of his masters. He deserves the hard questions.

angrybitcoin2 karma

I asked, you didn't answer. Your silence is deafening. Either you are a useful idiot and a complete tool or you know these things are true and are running propaganda ops to make it look like the CIA is fighting terrorism when everybody else with 2 brain cells knows they're not.

angrybitcoin1 karma

How does it feel to work for an organization which has been involved in overthrowing dozens of democratically elected governments worldwide and has historically supported every piece of filth dictator and deathsquad imaginable so long as they were willing to support America's "interests" in the region?

How does it feel to work for an organization which supported both Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria so as to force regime change and get rid of Assad, all for the benefit of Israel and to do damage to the Russian economy by building an oil pipeline from Qatar on Syrian territory?

How does it feel to work for an organization that deliberately supported, aided, and abetted the creation of Al-Qaeda in the 1970's so that they would fight the Soviets in Afghanistan? And not only that, but then this same organization, which was supported by the CIA in the first place, then proceeded to murder 3000 Americans on September 11th, 2001, an event which led to massive surveillance, which just so happens to benefit the same government you work for, in America?

How does it feel to lie to the American people on a daily basis?

angrybitcoin1 karma

Damn, you must get paid a lot of money to shill these propaganda and lies all day. I've never seen so many CIA-backed lies condensed into a single post before. You really need to re-consider your life choices, because all of those who have supported the evil empire, in whatever way, will ultimately pay the price.

angrybitcoin-6 karma

It is well known that the CIA deliberately supported the rise of ISIS to achieve regime change in Syria. Your lies and misdirections will not change that, Daniel.