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angryherbivore282 karma

My dad is a doctor who specialized in burns when he was younger. He once told me the story of a young man who came in with 3rd degree burns over 80% of his body. My dad stayed with him night and day for nearly a month, working to save him. He only came home a handful of times, to change and shower and get clean clothes to bring back to the hospital. After a month, they woke the boy up from his coma and took out his trach. His first words to my dad were, "Fuck you, doc. You should have just let me die."

Did you ever feel that way towards your doctors? Obviously you seem to have a great sense of humor about things now, and great perspective. But did you ever feel like your medical staff did you a disservice by saving you?

I know this is something that still haunts my dad. It's a big reason he gave up doing burns. I would love to be able to show him your response. Thanks.

angryherbivore49 karma

This is an amazing story . thank you so much for sharing. I've told my dad that I imagined this was what it must feel like, and I think on some level he knows. But it's also different, when these survivors wake up and leave his care and he never sees them again, and he never hears this perspective. I can't thank you enough for sharing this. If I wasn't on mobile, I'd give you gold. I will as soon as I'm back on a computer. Thank you. Truly.

angryherbivore48 karma

This is a really interesting answer to me. What about Jefferson v Adams in 1800. J referred to A as "his rotundity" in various public spheres. That feels very Trump-like, in a neo- classical kind of way.

angryherbivore10 karma

I know this isn't exactly in the spirit of your AMA, but your lipstick in that first picture is rocking my world. Do you know what color it is?

Also, really glad to hear you're doing so much better. I had a friend who went through a similar thing with GBS. I know how difficult the road to recovery was for him, and how long he struggled with the fear and anxiety that it could happen again. How are you coping with the psychological aspects of your recovery?

angryherbivore2 karma

I just wanted to thank you for doing this. Reddit can be a less than hospitable place to people of faith, but I think the open dialogue is helpful for everyone involved. I myself am an atheist, but I have tremendous respect for the compassion and generosity that believers regularly exhibit. And for you to be so open and inclusive towards non-believers, LGTB, etc., I think really speaks highly of the kind of faith you have.