Highest Rated Comments

anotherpinkpanther12 karma

What a great idea! How did you know the end price when doing the Kickstarter? Were you working off estimates or were you already in production?

anotherpinkpanther4 karma

Thanks, I have been thinking of doing a kickstarter for a patent I just got, but wasn't sure what happens if the production cost ends up higher than the estimates/what you charged for the product on kickstarter. Or would that be part of getting your product out there even if it means losing a bit of money to launch?

anotherpinkpanther2 karma

If an average person was accused of child molestation would things have progressed differently? Would their home and computer be searched for child pornography? Did this happen with Roy Moore?

anotherpinkpanther1 karma

Are you aware that some of the facilities you exposed such as Spectrum Aesthetics in Florida from your posted article which I found on Yelp and Facebook (which they can't delete negative reviews) still have close to 4 star reviews?! How is that possible?! At least Real Self's top review for this place was a warning