Highest Rated Comments

antoniocolorado2 karma

There are 3 questions, directed to Chris, Mark and Travis and a lot of "I'm not worthy, you are the best!" comments. Hahaha!! Actually, I just bought all your albums on Itunes. All of them are GREAT and V is GREAT!!!! All of the fans and "not yet fans"...GO BUY ALL OF THEM!!!! I just want to ask 3 questions and maybe say a couple of things (here's hoping you can take constructive criticism and still LOVE THIS FAN WHO LOVES YOUR MUSIC): 1) If there's a less than a split second in Colossal from The Collective where the sound just drops at the minute and second 2:16 from Itunes. If it's there all the time and it's on everyone's download or maybe just on mine? I guess you'll have to check that out. I'm pretty sure you haven't noticed 2) I love your music, believe me I do; it transports me, makes me fly...You have become one of my favorite bands in such a short amount of time!!!! THANKS!!!! Just wondering if you could add more pronounced guitar melodies on your next album? There are some GREAT melodies in your albums, especially on V (The end of the GOLDEN BIRD has a beautiful melody but short and not more than 4 notes (DAAA DAAA DAAA DAAAAAA) but they are not that pronounced as in "longer with more notes" melodies. If I'm not explaining myself completely please ask me...Besides that...Never get a vocalist, love your soundscapes...Love it when you go up and down in intensity...Like a ROLLERCOASTER!!! Bands that play their music like that are the best ones!!!! Because they show peace and beautiful chaos...When you just have one or the other, then it becomes boring!!!! Oh and this one's for Michell, 3) This is more of a comment but MAYBE I'M WRONG. Love your bass playing (and Bryant love your drum playing). The only thing I noticed is that MIchell, you could go more your own way on the bass...Like go nuts and play your own direction NOT ALL THE TIME, but in spaces. It seems you're most of the time following...Don't get me wrong!!!! YOU really KICK ASS on V...YOU HAVE A LOT OF GREAT MOMENTS LIKE IN PONTUS EUXINUS, TRAPPED IN ICE, BLUE SUN, KESTREL, and OORT CLOUD especially OORT CLOUD and BLUE SUN, that's what I'm talking about (Perfect!)...But sometimes go nuts like Greg Lake or Squier. A bit more freedom on your part and it would be perfect. The bass is just beautiful when once in a while it goes out of the others way to become the loner...where you're not following ANYONE but you're your own man. Maybe I've missed some parts and maybe you guys do have to follow the patterns...I guess maybe I have to listen to it more times. Don't know if you feel me. Still love your playing YOU KICK ASS...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE V!!!!!! LOOK YOU'RE PERFECT AND I TOOK THE TIME TO TELL YOU HOW GREAT YOU ARE AND MAYBE SOME THINGS I WOULD LIKE TO LISTEN IN THE FUTURE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR MUSIC!!!!! LIVE LONG AND PROSPER! HEHEHE...