Highest Rated Comments

antsofretribution2 karma

Oh well then definitely take the pharmacology route. If it's what you want, then it's definitely worth the effort to make it happen! If it's like a career in drugs, you'd probably being looking into a degree in pharmacology, and maybe branching into or specialising in neuroscience. Neuroscience was pretty intetersting to me, it would probably be beneficial into understanding how different drugs and neurotransmitters affect you. How far off are you from getting back into being yourself again? i.e. getting back to college. And how have you found making new relationships? Are they with new friends or old friends?

I'd like to pursue being a doctor, but it sort of seems a bit out of reach at the moment. I've put it on the back burner for now and figured I would just focus on getting my GPA up a bit. At the moment I'm sort of leaning towards being a chemical engineer. I want to work on nanostructures and hopefully work on composing molecules that can be used in treatment of diseases. Hopefully even CRPS :)

antsofretribution2 karma

Nice man! Sounds good as, I myself am currently doing a major in chemistry, and mainly med-prereq units, it's pretty good. Any idea in what type of chemistry you'd like you pursue potentially?

antsofretribution2 karma

What were you studying at uni? Was it of any help in knowing what was going on at physical or chemical level? Have you changed your mind about what you want to study?