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apestate34 karma

How long was she involved with the lab? What did she do after?

apestate12 karma

What version is AOHell these days?

apestate12 karma

What is the general mode of travel for a person over there? Is there bus traffic into the countryside? Motorbike, bicycle? How do people move around?

apestate9 karma

Does she know how much of the Rad lab's product went into the two bombs?

apestate5 karma

I don't mean to go to Syria, unless we're all offering to go sit-in to disrupt the violence.

I'm just wondering if you have any advice should someone be thrust into the horrible opportunity to document events. Most of us carry some sort of device capable of recording video. What should we prepare ourselves to keep in mind if something happens where we live?

Sadly, there is a great deal of tragic video coming out of Syria as happened all throughout the Arab Spring uprisings. I'm just wondering what a professional journalist would tell someone who is there with a camera?