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apple_kicks23 karma

It seems to start with a fever, followed by a dry cough and then, after a week, leads to shortness of breath.

But in more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.


apple_kicks15 karma

For those who don’t know

People who fail to recognise this are the epitome of white privilege. They think that selling postcards for a few pounds is ‘hilarious’ and a great travelling story, when they’re potentially taking away customers from a local who needs those pounds more than they can ever imagine.



apple_kicks13 karma

if you're with someone, I heard getting them to tell you where you are and that you're safe is way to help you in midst of ptsd flashbacks. keeps you grounded and the start of the link out of the experience

apple_kicks13 karma

might also be the human trafficking outfits fuel the forced sex trade, going by recent bbc article it sounds like lot of money is made through sexual exploitation within trafficking.

This trade in people criss-crosses the globe - and it is a lucrative business. The International Labour Office estimates that forced labour generates $150bn (£96bn) in illegal profits every year. Two thirds ($99bn; £63bn) comes from sexual exploitation.

It is a similar story in the United States, where tens of thousands of children are being trafficked into prostitution. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says child exploitation is at "near-epidemic levels".


apple_kicks9 karma

About to link to rape helpline for those in military (for anyone reading this and who have been affected). Also looks like they're looking for input from male survivors.


Non-DoD Agency Seeks Confidential Input From Male Survivors of Sexual Assault

Are you a male survivor of sexual assault in the military or know someone who is, and would like to provide feedback about your experience seeking assistance or care? If so, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)—an agency that conducts independent, non-partisan reviews of federal programs for Congress—would like your input about how serving in the military may impact the decision of male servicemembers to report that they were sexually assaulted.