Highest Rated Comments

archetypalone4 karma

Hi Scott,

WA (and in particular, The Kimberley) is home to some of the most disadvantaged Local Government Areas in Australia.

What are your policies on remote Aboriginal communities?

FWIW, Abbott is on record as saying that "land should be treated as an economic asset as well as a spiritual asset," wants to remove the permit entry system, and has flagged an intent to "reduce" the levels of governance and autonomy in remote communities - perhaps a thinly veiled aspiration to allow mining on Native Title land more easily in future.

How do you hope to prevent the enormous pressure placed on remote Aboriginal communities to sign mining deals (like JPP) to help pay for basic services and infrastructure that the rest of Australia enjoy without question?

archetypalone2 karma

I, for one, have a begrudging respect for Bob Katter. Bonkers though. Saw him at the airport the other day, and I wasn't even mad.

archetypalone2 karma

Good Guy Senator Ludlum

Many thanks for this, will have a looksee.


archetypalone1 karma

Ohai Mr Ludlam,

Where would you recommend your supporters preference the Wikileaks Party after their spectacular shark-jumping preference deals last time?