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armbrustUSA16 karma

Machines are from China, Japan, Germany and had to be coordinated together (sometimes in China for final builds). Everything was airlifted except the fabric machines which are being put on an express boat we contracted (11 days from Shanghai to Port of LA and then 4 days by rail to Houston).

For diligence we hired a German team of plastics engineers who flew in, audited the factories, did background checks on the owners, and did FaceTime walk throughs with us.

armbrustUSA14 karma

We want the cost of our masks to continue to drop. We are staring to make our own filter material in two weeks and that will dramatically drop our costs. The idea is to be the same cost as China once this is all over, and the bet is that Americans will want to support having this strategic resource in our country instead of buying from overseas. Post pandemic we want to be America's supplier of Surgical and N95 masks.

armbrustUSA12 karma

  1. My kids live here
  2. Actually a weird one... it's not getting things here it's getting our masks in packages to people in the United States is literally killing me... might die soon... we have too many orders and the process to fulfill is not existent.
  3. If you can make problem #2 go away then yes please help me I'm dying here :)

armbrustUSA9 karma

The biggest cost differences between the US and other countries are: cheaper labor, cheaper electricity, and the cost of following our regulations.

The first two we can solve by automating production and vertically integrating so that everything is made here in Austin. That brings us in line with other countries.

We also want to manufacture air filters and surgical gowns which use the same basic materials.

armbrustUSA9 karma

We are building the machines that make the fabric here in Austin, but we do not have them setup yet. In the mean time we literally begged the few American companies that make this material and were able to get some. Like so many they support our vision of bringing Strategic Manufacturing back to the US. Also.... we paid probably 10x normal pricing so maybe that helped? Truly an American story :)