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asapscience25 karma

If you think about it, the brain named itself. /r/woahdude - Jess

asapscience15 karma

Mitch - 1984. Harry Potter was also a massive guilty pleasure I only started reading as an adult. Got through them all in a few months, which was easily the most I've ever read in my life! Greg - A Fine Balance Jess - Too many to choose from! However, she does run our AsapSCIENCE Book Club if you're interested in joining!

asapscience13 karma

I'm not sure when or where it first occurred to me, but I've always had a fascination with the stars. Not even in the sense that I wanted to study them, but it just triggers such a sense of wonder in me - sometimes even sadness. I think about how much is out there that I'll never know, and it drives me insane! How many scientific breakthroughs I might miss, or not being here as we begin to explore further into space. But it's also such a beautiful reminder of how small we are - it puts things in perspective for me. We're just this tiny little speck in space, amongst this vastness. That sounds sad, but it can take away a lot of my daily stresses and reminds me that there is so much more to life. Surely learning about the universe...all this STUFF is the ultimate fulfillment for our minds.

This past summer we were out in the Canadian north on a lake staring at the stars in wonder, when a bunch of loons started calling. Their echos would travel across the entire lake as they called out to each other. I do a fairly decent loon call, and after they had gone silent for a good 30 minutes, I did mine. Instantly they started calling back from a distance! We were all so shocked and in awe, so we waited another 30 minutes and did it again. Low and behold they started responding. It was just incredible. All this while staring out into space and I just felt an incredible connection with something. All this kind of stuff links back to science for me. Science is everything :) -Mitch

asapscience11 karma

Right now we don't have anything scheduled, but we've had so much fun working with others like Jake of Vsauce 3 and iiSuperwomanii that we'd love to do more! We'll be travelling to Japan and Korea in a few months and would love to meet some creators there, so fingers crossed! -Mitch

asapscience10 karma

The periodic table song took a lot longer than expected. Especially because the filming of the video was extremely intricate as well. We have practised it extensively in order to sing it live and can now recite it in our sleep. The book took 1.5 years with a lot of research and intense editing. We also had to learn how to animate on a static page while making the images and text feel kinetic and fun. We are so proud of it now, but the process was extremely hard!
