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aspiringagent19130 karma

what is the weirdest case you have been part of?

aspiringagent198 karma

As a high school student currently, I couldn't agree with you more. I personally hate the idea that every one is a winner. That's just not how life works. There will always be someone better than you at something. But also in respect to math, I have seen many of my fellow students look up how to do a question at home out of fear they won't do well on a test. My generation does feel self entitled, and it really sucks. I can't tell you how often parents call my teachers complaining that their child failed a test and should receive a better grade. Even if the child didn't study, parents today seem to think that their child is always right and need to be perfect. As much as this "every one gets a trophy" generation is a product of ourselves, it's also our parents. How will we ever learn to fail, or experience rejection, if our parents are always there to argue with people such as our teachers, that it is not possible for us to fail? It makes me scared to see what will come of the next generation. I am actually scared to have kids. Anyway I agree with both you and the teacher doing this IAMA.