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asylumsaint46 karma

How did you hook up a DDR pad to your PC to use this simulator?

asylumsaint36 karma

Hello! I am a huge fan all the teams work! I am super exited to be a backer!

What are your favorite JRPGS / Anime?

Have you ever worked with Hideaki Anno? If so, do you have any cool or funny stories?

Bonus question: Do you think there will ever be a time when Foreign voice actors will show up in Japanese anime? (i.e. playing a foreign transfer student in a slice of life anime)

asylumsaint31 karma

I'm 21, and I weigh 185lbs roughly, I used to weigh 130 when I was 17. Im 6ft, and skinny, but ive developed a lot of stomach fat ( fat belling) and muffin tops on my sides. You think this kind of thing will actually work for loosing weight? I already walk / bike everywhere I go which hasnt helped much. As far as Soda goes .. I spent 2 months on a low calories diet (keeping below 2000) and drinking 0 soda (except maybe once or twice a week id have a sugared drink when I stopped at a gas station) it didnt seem to help.

How often a day did you play DDR? And about how many months did it take you to lose say 20lbs?

My current weight again is 185, my goal is 140-150. I need to fit into my cloths again ... D: sad but true.

asylumsaint17 karma

The sad thing is, my day job, is working at a gym / fitness center, but when Im at work ... even though i have the time to work out while at work .. I just dont like traditional gym workouts .. so i will have to give this a go. As far as Cutting out Soda's .. that part will be hard, partly because I love them, and partly because, well. Im single, living alone and its the easiest thing for me to pick up and bring home lol. I'm a complete noob with DDR, but im good with games, in general so I dont see it being an issue to move up to a higher difficulty

edit: also, what version of DDR did you have? Do you know if the ps2 DDR games will work on a ps3 (that has backwards compat)

asylumsaint3 karma

Hey, I dont mean to post late, I hope I can still get a chance to get a reply out of you. Also if you already replied to this question sorry for a repost. Dont have time to read all the questions.

What suggestions would you have for aspiring young adults interested in Astrophysics / SETA.

I am more so looking towards Astro-biology mixed with a physics background. but, what can I do to prepare myself for entering college and working in fields related to this. Do you think its worth per-suing this kind of career considering the current job market?

Just wanted to add, I noticed the small turnout, sorry that reddit kinda screwed you on that. It wasnt you're fault from what i've seen and read. I just assume part of it could be the timing... honestly, until you mentioned it, I didnt know the AMA was scheduled ... which is prob why I missed every single one of them so far. So thanks for showing me that! I hope to hear from you, if not ill check out your blog and try again.