Highest Rated Comments

auparis30 karma

I embrace the bro.

auparis16 karma

You also seem cool. The definition of feminism is equality with men if I'm not mistaken... sometimes it get's misconstrued.

auparis16 karma

Excellent question.

I buy plane tickets pretty far in advance so I've got time to shop for the best price.

I couchsurf as much as possible or stay with friends. I'll usually deliberately visit a city where I know I have a free place to stay.

I don't buy souvenirs.

I rarely go out to eat.

And I generally limit myself to one over priced touristy thing per city.

auparis13 karma

Favorite place to visit: I've been to rural Norway 3 times, its gorgeous, but I think my favorite place thus far was Florence.

Friendliest people: Australians (so far)

How many languages do you speak: Just English and mediocre French. But I make it a point to learn a few key phrases in every country I visit where I don't speak the language.

Best food: Oh Jesus, thats tough. Let's go with Italy.

auparis13 karma

I never had a specific check in with anyone, no "If you don't hear from my by Friday, I'm dead in a gutter".

When I would couchsurf I'd send the profile of my future host to my mom and/or friends. Most of my trips I had planned in advance and sent the itinerary to my family. So if I went missing they'd at least have an idea of where I was.