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aur0ra1451296 karma

How prevalent was gang membership and gang violence? Were you in a gang? If not, did you feel pressure to join one?

aur0ra14595 karma

Drawing himself up to his full height, /u/aur0ra145 smiled sardonically and asked, "Why do you use the term sardonically so much?"

aur0ra14593 karma

First, the Federal government should not be regulating marijuana what-so-ever on recreational use. However, if it is available for medical usage, then the FDA will be involved in vetting it as a liable medication, yadda, yadda. Why? I want to know without a doubt that the medication prescribed to me is legitimate and has been tested. "But it's just weed man" Yes, you're correct, however the unintended consequence of relaxing FDA approval measures could possibly harm a lot of other stuff.

Second, why would a federal or state government have the right to tell me what I can and cannot do inside my own home, or on my property? Answer, they shouldn't. This pertains to a whole hell of a lot. Want to smoke weed, cool. Want to be gay married, cool. Want to make title 2 weapons, cool. Want to make a suppressor, cool. So long as you don't harm anybody else, I shouldn't need to ask the government for permission to do anything.

If Mr. McCall had said that, he would be true to conservatism and won over reddit. But he didn't say any of those things. I did. Why? because he's a politician, and just says things to get elected. I said that stuff above because I'm a constitutional conservative. The government should stay the fuck out of my life, in all avenues.

aur0ra14534 karma

I loved watching Reno 911! growing up. Which was your most memorable episode?

aur0ra14515 karma

Do you believe that any amount of hunting/killing/clubbing of seals is necessary to maintain the ecosystem? How do you purpose to replace the economic structure of town/communities based around sealing if your agenda is completely carried out?

Do you own an ulu knife?