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authorsusancain21 karma

The biggest misconception is that introverts don't like people! When in fact introverts and extroverts are equally likely to be warm and loving. It's just a question of where we direct this warmth. Introverts tend to save it for the people they know best. As for reversing misconceptions: I think it helps to remember that most humans are vulnerable and insecure. They understandably interpret introverts' need to be alone or quiet as a sign that we dislike them. So we need to make sure to communicate that this isn't so, by being open about our warm feelings.

authorsusancain14 karma

Hi Littlemermaiden -- just make an agreement with yourself about how often you are going to go out. Once a week? Twice a week? Once every two weeks? Whatever amount feels right to you -- stick to that, and the rest of the time you get to fly solo without guilt or FOMO. :)

authorsusancain9 karma

Oh I'm so sorry -- it sounds like this was so painful. Truly -- you need to be with someone who will value you for who you are (and whom you value the same way). A relationship cannot work without this basic ingredient. Please, stop looking backward and find a woman you love who adores you in return. :)

authorsusancain9 karma

Hello! I took a leave of absence, expecting to travel the world. But instead I found myself enrolling in an NYU Continuing Ed class in Creative Non-Fiction writing. On the very first day of class, I had one of those cinematic epiphany moments -- THIS was what I wanted to do with my life. Never expected to make a career out of it --I just thought it would be a hobby -- but a beloved hobby that I wanted to put at the center of my life. If you're thinking of taking this path -- pls do read my post on quietrev.com about how I became a writer, where I talk about the importance of making this leap in as unstressful a way as possible. Stress is the great enemy of creativity! BEST OF LUCK.

authorsusancain8 karma

Oh yes, this can be a painful thing. I recommend that you practice, in small ways, what it feels like to speak from a place of inner conviction. That is: don't focus so much on how loudly you're speaking. For now, focus instead on how much conviction you feel about the thing you are saying. If you tend to feel doubtful, then start by talking about things you're sure about -- a movie you adored, an opinion you feel strongly about. Then, try to expand the scope of topics you can speak this way about. Become conscious of how good it feels to speak from this confident place -- you'll find yourself doing it more and more often!