Highest Rated Comments

awesomeness123489 karma

you take it back. take it back right now. the 90 Corrolla is a thing of rare and exquisite beauty.

awesomeness123480 karma

Fuck that guy and the fucking horse whose back he broke riding in on.

awesomeness123478 karma

Anything with Eugene Hutz is perfect. Next question...

awesomeness123469 karma

The mormons you dealt with seemed extremely normal, well adapted, and genuine. That was surprising to me given my prejudice, I expected some nut-job polygamists that would constantly veer the conversation to religion.

That said, the documentary really only showed their "spokesman." Were the rest of the mormons you dealt with in Mexico equally "normal" and well adapted? Did they preach or get creepy?

awesomeness12346 karma

That was actually a very polite way to call me a hipster, Mr ImpoliteRedditor...