Highest Rated Comments

awhsheit50 karma

"Licking asshole" and "losing shit" were in the same sentence. It gave me a very VERY vivid image that I did not need to see bahah

awhsheit22 karma


awhsheit2 karma

Don't feel bad. Neither has anyone else.

Just wing it.

awhsheit2 karma

Pardon my ignorance with the medicine and biology field, but is this vaccine to be only used on currently HIV positive humans?

Or is this something that you go to the local doctor for an "annual vaccine" like the influenza vaccine?

If it's the latter, would this mean people who are not HIV positive would be getting the vaccine in order to prevent the disease, or would you need to be positive to get the vaccine?

I also just want to say thank you for everything you are doing! It will definitely revolutionize the world as we know it!

awhsheit2 karma

It WAS you!