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baberunner15 karma

Were you aware that she had downs syndrome while she was in the womb?

baberunner5 karma

4 to 6 hours on PD? That is a really short time. My husband (he just turned 31) is on for 8 hours (while sleeping) and does an all day dwell that he drains when he comes home from work. He was on 10.5 hours for a bit. He is a slow transporter and they are having a tough time getting him to the right clearance numbers.

baberunner5 karma

Similar body mass isn't really a requirement. Neither is blood type unless the donor is deceased. Add long as the blood types play well together in a test tube you are good. Immunities are also a factor.
Cannot be obese (diabetes risk) and cannot be ill with anything that causes risk to kidney function.

baberunner5 karma

Yikes. How many manual exchanges do you do? I mean, how long do you have to dwell?

baberunner2 karma

PD dialysis solution smells sugary. Not a good smell but I would rather smell that then a lot of other things.
There is no swimming or shower sex with PD. Hey, it may be TMI but it is relevant, my husband and I have only been married a few years. We are only 32. He was diagnosed with interstitial nephritis (sp?) and end stage renal disease (or CKD I just got corrected) last March. At first we did some dietary changes but we don't have to worry about out so much anymore.
To quote my husband (who has been on both dialysis types) "Fuck hemo!" He was very tired on hemo. With PD he can leave a fairly normal life even if he has a specific bedtime now. :) He is waiting for a transplant as well. Best of luck to you! Keep your spirits up. You are not alone. :)