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backfire103480 karma

Jon, huge fan of the show. Question, do you cover the cost of the renovations and upgrades or do the bar owners have to pay some of it back?

backfire1038 karma

I'm pretty sure the last Google employee to do an AMA got fired. Just moved my Domain to you guys this morning (good timing too as it needed to be renewed next week) don't let me down!

backfire1032 karma

Odd I find verizon has the worst CS of all. They constantly dick me around when I have issues with my ipad data. Sprint on the other hand is always fantastic when I call them with questions or issues.

backfire1032 karma

I had a hemorrhage from a soccer ball impact when I was 8. It healed up nicely and everything but I have only been going to my optometrist every 2 years for exams. Should I be getting a more thorough exam because of what happened? I used to go regularly but I'm now 22 and haven't gone in the last 8 years or so. My optometrist has told me he sees no issues though.