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bacon_worship2 karma

I do think it's way overblown and that's why i think that providing and relying on sources that gives a clearer picture is better because that is how you debate racists and people not read up on the subject. It's not gonna be a good enough answer to people to say "yeah during these three months..." when reality might be very different. I get what you are saying but i have a hard time relying on them when it really doesn't say much. I guess time will tell and statistics will show reality going forward when we keep collecting data about it.

Also this thread is very toxic because of the subject (downvotes and the other comments) so i hope you are not turned off by it. It's an AMA and im just here to ask questions, i dont have a bias so i just want to make that clear to you and im not the one downvoting you just for answering.

bacon_worship0 karma

Not at all, all im saying in that source is that its not a good enough sample size to rely on and i find it highly unlikely to be 1% and still does after the source provided. Im not saying he/she is wrong, it's just not good enough. Should we not critize sources now and just take everything that someone claims as a source as "fact" just because? You downvoting everything doesn't change anyones mind.

It's not a narrative, it's a AMA ffs and you ask questions. How dense can you be?

bacon_worship-4 karma

It's not true. The Police Department recently released statistics which showed that less than 1% of police dispatches were related to refugees.

Do you have a source for this 1% claim? I find this highly unlikely.

bacon_worship-4 karma

No, people are free to comment if they want. Im here for the disussion, it's you people ignoring the obvious problem of not having enough time to sample from because 3 months is nothing to pick from. I guess that fits "your agenda" when you can ignore that problem and not even discuss it. It's sucks that people like you think you are intellectual and "above" someone when in reality you ignore problems just because you cant confront them. That's ignorant and thats what you are, ignorant of facts, discussing the facts and healthy skepticism.

bacon_worship-5 karma

Thanks for contributing absolutely nothing on value to the discussion, you basically crying over my comment isn't helping you, me or anyone else. Im asking questions in a AMA and people start bawling over me discussing the facts provided, it's ridicolous. It's you people screaming "racist" as soon as the refugee question pops up and basically crying wolf over nothing. Im not a racist, i dont have a agenda, im asking questions and a social worker in (in a fucking AMA) wants to answer them. If he didn't want people to ask questions he wouldnt do the AMA in the first place.

What "view" are you speaking of? please point to this made up racist view you are talking about in my comments made in this thread, because we both know that is what you mean.

It people like you that causes the problem in Sweden in the first place because as soon as there is even a discussing on the table about it, not screaming or yelling about it, just a discussion, you speak of "your views" "your agenda" "your hate" or whatever else there is. You cause the problems by not wanting to speak about certain things where there was no bias in the first place, just discussion.