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badadvicepanda3 karma

When you write sex scenes do you ever try to push the boundaries of your readers? By which I mean, do you purposely write something just to shock them or to make them interested in trying something new?

badadvicepanda3 karma

Thanks for doing an AMA. So, I have to ask, now that you have done this, how many watch lists are you on and how difficult is it for you to fly/get through airport security?

badadvicepanda2 karma

How do you come up with different names for genitals without sounding them sounding either childish or too medical? Is there a way to find a happy middle between wienie and penis?

badadvicepanda1 karma

Thank you for doing an AMA. So, I see pictures of the smog all of the time. How bad is it? What do you personally have to do when the levels are high?