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bambler189 karma

I did a poo on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower yesterday. I want to know where it went.

bambler39 karma

I was travelling in a car 2 years ago with someone carrying drugs, which we didn't know about. Police stopped us, found the drugs and this guy refused to take the blame. The guy whose drugs they are and me and a friend get told to report to the station 2 days later where they give us all a caution. I'm pretty sure that this wasn't fair, but since it couldn't be proved and the police and wording of a caution as just being a slap on the wrists we went along with it.

However, the consequences are far reaching. or example, I can now never work in a school and can't travel to America on the visa waiver scheme. So what is your view on cautions, and do you think that they are a good way of punishment?

Also, I have great respect for the police. However, when they were cautioning us, the policeman wo signed it off was talking to another policeman about how he was allowed to have these 3 so he could hit his targets for the month. I was appalled by this. have you heard of this happening before?

bambler1 karma

How much did it cost you for the whole trip? I am currently finishing university and saving up for a trip from Thailand to the UK.

bambler1 karma

That sounds great! Is there anywhere en route you would say is a must see?