Highest Rated Comments

bbristowe3 karma

Wow, he's 23.

bbristowe2 karma

Do you really think the Legalization of buds in CO and WA will pass federal?

bbristowe1 karma

Fantastic album. I have listened to it all the way through at least 3 times today lol.

What inspired you to do this? I can see this remix really taking off, any plans to do more in the future? Do you have any other works that resemble the 'nostalgia-nintendo-era'?

Great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bbristowe1 karma

"Marijuana receiced more votes than Obama in Colorado" LOL!!

That's great. Keep up all the hard work, there are so many more people out there who appreciate what you are doing but just don't take the time to show it.

bbristowe1 karma

Nothing. Because I know it was built with a back door just in case they think I am a terrorist..