Highest Rated Comments

bcgoss48 karma

How long is the average spacewalk? if you finish your task early can you just hang out and watch the world turn? Or do you need/want to get back inside asap?

bcgoss48 karma

Sadly we need ethical jounalists telling the news not standing on the sidelines waiting for unethical people to go away.

bcgoss45 karma

Astronauts need to sleep next to a vent or the CO2 they exhale forms a bubble around their face and suffocates them. Imagine that but with snot...

bcgoss25 karma

What kind of redundancy exists for a crisis like this? Is there another facility that matches every capability at the Alabama site? "Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?"

bcgoss20 karma

Thats a pretty loaded question. Compare the question with "Should we create basic standards for price transparency that companies need to meet if they're going to do business?" More government for the sake of more government is obviously bad, but the right kind of government makes everybody's lives better.