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beatlerevolver66148 karma

True. Community as well. Fuck NBC.

beatlerevolver6634 karma

Hi Bret!

Huge fan, love your books. Just a couple of quick questions for you.

  • Who would you like to see play the role of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho the Musical?

  • What would the music for the show be like?

These questions aren't thought provoking but as a huge fan of the novel and your other works, it'd mean a lot to hear back.

Thanks for doing this AMA!

beatlerevolver662 karma

Hi Rich! Thanks for doing this AMA. A lot of people don't believe me when I say that Harry Crane is one of my favorite characters on Mad Men, but it's true. Your character is hilarious and just plain awesome.

  • What's it like working on the show?
  • What's it like working with the rest of the cast? They're all excellent actors, and they all seem pretty cool, any funny stories about them?
  • What's your favorite video game?
  • Do you wish you could get more screen time on Mad Men? Do you realize how awesome your character is and how he needs to be in more story lines?

Thanks again for doing this, and thanks for answering our questions!

beatlerevolver662 karma

I had no idea that that was filmed in Fairhaven, MA. I have a lot of family who live there on my dad's side. That's so awesome!

beatlerevolver661 karma

Hey Chad, huge fan of yours. I think you're one of the greatest drummers of our era.

What was it like to write with Josh after writing music with John for so long? What was different about the way Josh writes music compared to the way John writes? What was the dynamical change within the group?

Also, your playing on Purple Stain is easily one of my favorite drum recordings of all time. Brilliant playing. Lots of love.