Highest Rated Comments

beatlesbible94 karma

Hi Alan. The Guardian backed the Lib Dems ahead of the 2010 general election. Do you regret that now? Or can you see your paper backing them again in 2015?

beatlesbible60 karma

The UK population is broadly split left/right politically, yet its print media is largely right wing. So why the hell isn't the left-wing press bigger/more powerful? Is there not an untapped readership that's currently uncatered for by the existing titles (I guess I'm talking about the Graun, Indie and Mirror)?

It's dispiriting to see the Tory HQ issuing PR lies and spin on a weekly basis and, despite your own paper's great efforts to counter them, the messages being reported unchallenged by most other outlets. Regardless of whether Labour win the next election, the Tories are winning the PR war hands down.

beatlesbible29 karma

Thanks for your reply.