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beets_or_turnips51 karma

Does humidifiers + cold > condensation > mold/mildew ? Or is the general cold/dry/sterile climate enough to prevent that?

beets_or_turnips35 karma

I'm sure they have RC Cola, duh.

beets_or_turnips10 karma

What are some of the pitfalls or dead-ends you've had to learn to avoid in designing adventures? Beginner mistakes you made that you know better than to try again?

beets_or_turnips8 karma

That's what I was wondering too. A lot of fungi can dry out and go dormant then wake up again under the right conditions. It seems like it would be possible for people to carry spores in from wherever they came from and have them propagate in areas of the station where there's enough heat & moisture (like kitchens/bathrooms/rooms with humidifiers running).