Highest Rated Comments

bentl8 karma

Love what you said, "spend time with those that DO"! That says a lot about your compassion and why your research is so powerful. There are so many gaps with education inequality. Your own experience is like many others.

How do you think a person's support system impacts their debt acquisition? For example, a single mother or someone who is already homeless and without familiar support?

bentl6 karma

I know 2. That's it. Just 2.

bentl6 karma

What are your thoughts around the tuition differences between community colleges in the U.S.?

What advice would you give a student who has been taking on debt to obtain an education and now has to choose to take on more debt to obtain a PhD or walk away with a master's degree?

Thinking about the outcome you want the most, what would our educational system look like, Sara?

bentl6 karma

What was your own experience gaining higher education through debt management? Can you relate to the crisis and struggle or more so empathize.

bentl5 karma

100% of the population of the world could become literate, given the opportunity. I guess that is too much for people understand.