Highest Rated Comments

besjbo12 karma

Did you get to see the filming of any scenes that you weren't a part of?

That is, once actors are done with their own work for the day, do they usually stick around to see other scenes being filmed, or is that a distraction? If you did see the shooting of other scenes, what did you enjoy the most?

besjbo11 karma

Do you think it's suboptimal for a college grad to start working for a large (tech) company with solid growth, or would you recommend a different path? What would you say should be the primary considerations in accepting a position?

Also, since you've owned the Aventador for a few years (since new), what would you estimate the cost of ownership (maintenance/repairs, depreciation, insurance, etc.) to be? How does that compare to the Tesla (if you have a long enough timeframe to be able to compare)?

besjbo5 karma

Have you had any experience with Soylent?

besjbo1 karma

What's the best part about being you?

besjbo1 karma

I think college is the kind of environment where word of mouth is most relevant. If you've built something that students actually love to use, it'll spread fairly quickly once you have a few initial users. To get those initial users, it helps to have a network of friends who are in college; get them to try it (and give you feedback). If the product is good, you can be fairly confident that it'll spread. If those who try it don't instinctively get others to use it, then no amount/type of marketing is going to give you sustainable success.

That's just been my experience. Maybe Allen has more valuable insight.