Highest Rated Comments

bestincal34 karma

Will the Sharks ever win the Cup? And will it be in my lifetime?

bestincal26 karma

What bar that you rescued in Vegas are you most proud of, and I should visit?

bestincal10 karma

How is it working in San Francisco? I know the city can be tough to work with at times, but do you guys get any leeway?

Also, have you ever thought about doing a "Mythbusters After Dark" type episode where you test more "adult" myths?

bestincal10 karma

Sharks fan here - be reasonable. Behave how you would like to see Sharks fans behave at Staples. Cheer for your team but don't be obnoxious about it. If LA scores stand up, clap, then sit down. Don't point and laugh at Sharks fans cause Nemo let one in 5 hole.

You'll probably get booed but take it in stride. Basically just don't be an ass and you'll be fine.

bestincal6 karma