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betterxhalf91 karma

Almost got used as a getaway driver, at 5 AM. Dude was approaching my car which was occupied with a large kitchen knife hidden behind his back. I saw the knife (got pretty frightened), made a left at a red light and saw about 10 squad cars parked on that block with their lights on. Scariest thing I've experienced.

betterxhalf76 karma

Haha, I don't go to McDonalds enough to notice a difference. I don't recommend you do either!

betterxhalf73 karma

Not weird, but this dude pissed me off so I'l tell this story. Basically I just started my shift and I see a lot of cabbies passing by this black guy. So I'm like, you know what, I'm not gonna be like a typical cabbie and not pick a black guy (I'm all for equality). So I stopped by to pick him up. The dude wants to go to Brooklyn, so I'm omw. So he starts to tell me that he had to call his uncle who will meet me there to help pay his fare. He wanted to use my phone. I felt a little sketchy but I let hi use it and tells me his uncle will be there when I arrive and will pay me and gives my phone back... I get to the destination and his uncle is nowhere to be seen. He uses my phone and calls his uncle again and again and it's the same story, he'll be here any minute now. So About 45 mins. pass and I'm just annoyed so I tell the dude to leave after he calls his uncle for like the 5th time. So I'm like alirght, you don't gotta pay me just leave. So he's sitting in my back seat holding onto my phone looking at it all thugish with his doo-rag and all, looking like he's thinking about stealing my phone. So I'm like, hey man gimmie my phone, don't even think about it. He's just setting there looking at it... After a minute or two, he hands me my phone says "aight" and leaves. I was pretty new during that time, but I was pretty let down by that. And I kind of understand why a lot of black people are not picked up by cabbies. But I kind of understood the cabbie mentality that night.

betterxhalf52 karma

Against the cabbie code of conduct, you'd be suspended for doing that kinda stuff.

betterxhalf50 karma

To me it doesn't matter because I drive a garage car and I just get all my money at the end of the day. However, I think people who own and operate a weekly medallion prefer cash because they don't get their credit card balance till the end of the week. Just ask the cabbie, we all have our preferences. I prefer credit.