Highest Rated Comments

bhcrom8312 karma

fascinating topic, thanks for doing this!

My question is, what in your opinion is the most significant/ground breaking bug discovery in the past decade and why?

bhcrom8311 karma

what is the most difficult part about getting a baseball diamond ready for game time?

bhcrom8311 karma

Ms. Reiley,

First off, thank you for an extremely insightful and thought-provoking piece for us all to read. I live in the Seminole Heights area and your article has impacted me personally.

Your article really made me think and I was most frustrated by the fact that I feel many of these restaurants charge a bit more for the price just because they advertise the local farmer and organic factor.

My question is: Do you think restaurants made these false claims to draw specific customers, or to overcharge customers/make bigger profit, or to just "fit in" with other restaurants trending towards the farm to table style? Maybe other reasons?