Highest Rated Comments

biglistening7 karma

Your work is so appreciated. You've mentioned comfrey and J artichoke are well suited for many systems. If you could wish it, what would be the top intro perennials you'd like to see in northeast US/CA suburbia? Thanks!

biglistening7 karma

I've noticed that information literacy is a big part of navigating best practice. I've also noticed that some printed books bring more value than internet searches. What are the book(s) on the topic that belong in every home library? How about links/bookmarks? Thanks again.

A shout out to Dave Jacke's, "Edible forest gardens" to starting my family on this venture.

biglistening5 karma

Brilliant, notes taken. Homesteading is sure to be increasing in popularity, we will grow through this together! Thank you

biglistening4 karma

Legacy libraries for the win! Thanks

biglistening3 karma

This sounds like the curriculum of a fantastic virtual course. Sign me up!