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blablabla198411 karma

I adopted a street dog from Cyprus I have bipolar also and she really helps me get out of the house and talk to strangers too as everyone wants to cuddle her. A dog definitely keeps my weight, sleep pattern (makes me get out of bed) and anxiety in check.

blablabla19844 karma

Are your iron levels normal ?

Hemochromatosis can cause diabetes and liver cancer/ liver failure etc.

They probably tested that though I'm sure

blablabla19843 karma

Could inflammation triggered by illness cause your syndrome ?

I'm researching inflammation as a cause for bipolar since my mood plummeted before winter when I was ill and didn't recover. I tried an anti inflamitory a few days ago and I feel much more energetic.

blablabla19842 karma

Do you think anxiety is more a mindset or a neurochemical imbalance?

Doesn't elevated glutemate and low gaba play a big role ?

Why have countries switched from a purely medication based way of dealing with it to a more therapy CBT and mindulness based way ? As the current way of dealing with it does little to address the chemicsl imbalance which I found was primarily the cause in me.

blablabla19841 karma

How many people have you hit with the train ? Due to suicide or crazy people shoving others in front of trains ?