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blakejharris29 karma

Hmmmm...great question!

I'd probably say BLOODSPORT. Because even after I got in touch with Frank Dux (the "real-life inspiration") there was always an element of trying to figure out how much of what he said was actually true (and how much I believed that he believed these things to be true). So that was interesting--especially a midnight phone call in which he explained that this was all a conspiracy ordered down by Oliver North--compounded by the fact that the day our piece went up, Sheldon Lettich (the film's director, and who Frank slammed a few times) reached out with a very different story.

Basically what I love most about these pieces is that going in I almost never have any idea where the research is headed. And that was especially true with BLOODSPORT!

blakejharris23 karma

As a test (and a test of your loyalty!) I want to know who was your favorite producer on the film?

blakejharris23 karma

I talk to them frequently, but--since I'm based in New York--I actually never met them in person until last weekend for the live show of THE AVENGERS (1998). They're very much like the personalities on the podcast, with the asterisk that Jason is much less angry and abrasive in real life. One thing they all have in common (which is definitely not true of most celebrities I know and have interviewed) is that they're all sincerely very curious people. You know, I could imagine a scenario where people in their position would think this series of Conversations and Oral Histories is "good for the brand" but that was never the objective. The series stemmed from their deep curiosity to learn more about this movies and the personalities involved. So in short: they're great. And no offense to Jason and June (who I both love), but Paul is sincerely the nicest celebrity I know.

But don't just take my word for it. Here's a line from Nick Kroll that I had to remove (for space) from my oral history of THE LEAGUE

Nick Kroll: "Genuinely though, Paul is one of the most thoughtful and generous people I’ve ever met. He was always the one who organized a coffee truck or food truck from the cast to the crew on long days. I know it may sound cheesy, but it's a small gesture that actors can make to the rest of the crew who work much harder than us to say thank you. And Paul was always the one to spear head it."

blakejharris15 karma

Another great question. It's actually one they did on the show. I sincerely believe that Demolition Man is an incredible movie and I'm not even much of an action movie guy. I think the dystopia depicted in that film is extremely clever and perhaps the most accurate prediction of the future we saw in the 80/90s. The idea of corporate conglomeration (i.e. Taco Bell winning the "Chain Wars") and the increased control of political correctness/speech (fined for what you say, even in private spaces) is wonderfully executed...not to mention the prediction that Arnold Schwarzenegger would get into politics!

blakejharris14 karma

I actually reached out to Paul last summer. I essentially said that I was an enormous fan of the show, thought all three of them were clever and hilarious, but that they never actually answered the damned question of how these movies got made! I suggested that they bring on someone to do just that. I offered my services but said, sincerely, that even if they wanted to go in another direction (or wanted to use a revolving door of writers) I hoped that they took the idea and ran with it. Because ultimately I am a fan of the show, and this was just a way to enhance the experience.