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blondedis22 karma

What was your favorite comic of Peanuts ever published? Also, what was your favorite movie adaptation of Peanuts?

blondedis14 karma

Thank you! I told my mother about this and she told me she has a great memory of her father (who recently passed away) always calling her "his peanut" and she wanted me to tell you they'd always watch together when they were little and it brought hers lots of great times with him, so thank you :)

blondedis10 karma

After the first human lands on Mars, what's next? Will it be another planet deeper in our solar system or is that not possible besides Mars?

blondedis2 karma

Hi! I've been following this planned trip for a while and I recently got my entire family to sign up for the Boarding Passes you had on NASA's website. My question is: do those really go into space on the shuttle? Do you guys ever look at the names? How does it work?

blondedis2 karma

Hi, I am a high school student who's been following this for a while now. I even spent my lunch period watching the live broadcast talking about the Orion project today (haha). I am interested in working for NASA and with future Orion missions when I am older, do you have any advice or suggestions? Also, is the Orion project connected to the MarsOne project that people have signed up for to live in colonies on Mars?