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bmseely601 karma

It was the secret service, and yes. Yes i was. I have some close friends from the Marines that i know, all of whom i called prior. They all called and vouched for me, which probably helped a lot.

Let me be clear, the secret service handled it perfectly, and with grace and efficiency. They are solid investigators, and one in particular, very good looking. She would not answer if she was single though. lol

bmseely436 karma

Not going to jail, yet....

So far no.

bmseely387 karma

About an hour for both.

bmseely317 karma

Yes. Absolutely. Change can come from within.

But my ideals fall second to keeping my two daughters fed and clothed and safe.

bmseely260 karma

Not even a little bit. IT was just funny to be hitting on a secret service agent in an interogation room while they are all being serious. lulz. All about the lulz. It took me 4 hours to show and tell them how this was all done.

Not saying they are dumb, they just ask a lot of follow up questions, and i had to do everything while tethered to my iphone with 1 bar of reception. They would NOT let me get on their wifi. Frankly i dont blame them.

THe komo initial story aired on a tuesday showing the pranks about snowden at the white house lawn. They had the story printed out prior to my arrival as i think most of seattle had seen it. When i walked in and told them what i did, they did not believe me. I showed them the recordings, and walked an agent through the entire thing, and then they finally did.

I try, to do stand up comedy a couple times a month as a hobby. I enjoy that a lot, and so i carry over humor to every situation no matter how appropriate or inappropriate it might be.