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boastfulbadger102 karma

I had Covid and 6 months later had a heart attack and died for two minutes. Never had any issues with my heart till I had Covid. It was never the same after I grew sick.

boastfulbadger25 karma

Totally false.

boastfulbadger16 karma

What happened with you and DC? Will you ever go back there?

boastfulbadger16 karma

I heard about those firefighters in I think Arizona who were what I guess was the equivalent of a swat team. They didn't make it out of some fire and I was wondering how different their job is vs your regular firefighter. How is the training different and what has to happen to call these guys in.

boastfulbadger11 karma

You once autographed a comic for me and wrote it "to eBay." I never sold it.