Highest Rated Comments

bobthemagiccan8 karma

have you consider asking a relative to donate a kidney to you? (living donation)

bobthemagiccan4 karma

thats odd, in canada. i believe you can have relatives outside the country donate.

may I ask why it failed? if you do not have a willing relative, then I'm sorry to hear that. But if you have a willing relative, you can consider paired exchange donation

bobthemagiccan4 karma

This +1. While the benefits for OP way outweights the risks to you, there are risks that you need to be informed about. Donating a kidney is a serious decision. Anyone can sign up to be a living donor (there will be no problem finding a suitable candidate).

bobthemagiccan2 karma

This is just speculation, but maybe it's because kidney donors have to have extensive testing done as to the health of their kidneys. People with health conditions which might predispose them to kidney failure are screened out and don't become donors. Just a guess though!

Correct, only healthy people can be donors. The average person has poorer health than the average living kidney donors.

bobthemagiccan1 karma

the question was kinda suppose to be hypothetical... but i understand if you don't wish to answer. i hope you didnt get offended