Highest Rated Comments

bonkette200 karma

What a horrible choice to make. I truly congratulate you on having the courage to break out of the hatred and ugliness even if it means giving up their love.

bonkette3 karma

My 11 year old daughter is obsessed with your podcast so of course we bought the book. Any advice for the best way of using the book to help her discover new things about our town?

bonkette3 karma

Thank you so much for responding. Madeleine got her medallion in the mail this week and she is just so excited. I will be sure she sees your comment. We are both looking forward to reading the book.

bonkette2 karma

I am so sorry I missed this AMA. However I wanted to let you know how much Nickle & Dimed changed how I treated people who I never would have noticed otherwise.

bonkette2 karma

I lost 80 lbs and depending on her age and the amount of time she was overweight the skin will not shrink back. Surgery is the only way to remove it.