Highest Rated Comments

bowling_for_soup_fan12 karma

Do you keep in touch with any of the people you met along your journey?

bowling_for_soup_fan7 karma

  • Do seniors get picks over what routes they get to do, or each year you get assained a route for the rest of the year?
  • Do you do other runs for the buss company other then schools?
  • What do you do over the summer?

bowling_for_soup_fan5 karma

Thanks for the quick response!

two more questions...

  • Do you keep the same buss the whole year?
  • If you work for the Public Schools, How do you get paid? (hourly, how many routes, etc.) and also, do you get pad over the summer? (I believe most teachers do, so I'm curious as to if you also do.)

bowling_for_soup_fan3 karma

how does an average Joe get a job? and thank you very much for your service

bowling_for_soup_fan3 karma

As a Texas

I didn't realize states could talk!