Highest Rated Comments

bowtoboot434 karma

Have any of the wait staff ever gotten physical with Amy or Sami? It's hard to imagine going through over 100 staff with those attitudes, and not getting clocked.

bowtoboot273 karma

What's been the hardest to adapt to? You missed Obama, smartphones, Osama dead. How do you catch up and does it make you feel a certain way?

bowtoboot10 karma

That's really cool to hear. Thank you for sharing with me and I hope you enjoy your freedom to the most sir.

bowtoboot6 karma

"I used to question why I, as a single man with no children, should have to pay taxes to put other people's children through school. I mean, I have no vested interest. But I do - having a well-educated populace leads to a larger percentage of the population who are financially successful, which leads to a stronger economy and less crime, which leads to a better quality of life for me."

This. If more people played SimCity (now or growing up), they would understand the simple premises stated here.

bowtoboot1 karma

If you had to pick, who would you rather work with? Neil or Jon?