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br0mer454 karma

Gotta pay 25 deans to do nothing which means 50 vice deans, and 100 assistant deans with 200 Secretaries.

br0mer8 karma

they should get better at them. The world doesn't cater to them.

br0mer8 karma

because even just 50 years ago the treatment for a heart attack was prayer and maybe an aspirin if you were savvy.

Now we can give meds that help slow the progression of the heart attack and then go into the artery, pop it open and keep it that way, then give you medicines that help slow the progression of CAD.

Medical knowledge and interventions has advanced tremendously in the past 100 years. Think about what happened 100 years ago when you were sick. The doctor came by, maybe give you a medicine or two without a clear diagnosis, then encouarged watchful waiting and drinking lots of fluids. This is never the case today because we can precisely diagnose and therefore treat appropriately literally millions of conditions.

br0mer5 karma

Do you think more Doctors across the USA was will follow your example and visit patients were they live and work and lodge?

No, because it's a terrible inefficienct way to see the vast majority of patients. You can crank out 30+ patients in a clinic because they come to you. House calls, maybe 10 if that. I can see a niche where the sickest patients could be seen at home.

br0mer2 karma

For adult recipients, life expectancy is pretty good post transplant, with median survival something like 25 years. After getting through the first year, the next 10 barely registers and only then do you see transplant mortality kicking in.