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brandonunisAMA128 karma

Correct. I was originally named "awesome" but changed it to Brandon.

brandonunisAMA113 karma

When they first were attached to us, I wasn't sure how to feel. I tried to keep my distance. After a while, they really gained my respect though. The Nat Geo guys we were with got shot at, just like we did. They had to walk miles and miles a day, just like we did. They had to carry a ton of weight on their backs, just like we did. And when the fighting started they snapped right into action, just like we did. And I never heard them bitch about it. If they had slowed us down, I probably would hate them. But they never did.

brandonunisAMA103 karma

How rarely you actually see the enemy. Most of the time they are shooting from 500 to 1000 meters away, and they use great cover and concealment. You'll usually be walking through a field, and suddenly you're being shot at. You hit the ground and wonder where the hell they are shooting from. That was 90% of our fire fights.

brandonunisAMA86 karma

I missed my mothers funeral while fighting in Afghanistan. That had to be the hardest.

brandonunisAMA57 karma

I see where you are coming from. All I can do is spout off statistics that I know nothing about, and tell you my first hand experience.

And hope for the best.