Highest Rated Comments

bravoitaliano48 karma

Having worked in this field: start with a corporate retail company on a buying/merchandising desk. Work your way up through merchandising and planing/supply chain into product development. Some places will start you in assistant product development, but usually only for those with a fashion/merchandising degree.

Nobody wants to hire the typical Rachel Green type who knows nothing other than that she likes pretty clothes.

bravoitaliano25 karma

Thanks for this AMA, Marwan. I find Al-Jazeera a refreshing dose of fact-based news when I travel abroad. Love to tap in now and then here at home in the states to get away from the sensationalist news cycle.

Can you tell us the best way, as Americans, that you think we can positively affect the relationship between the Middle East and our country peacefully? It seems like we don't have as many cross-cultural programs with this region as we do with Europe or Asia. Is it sport? That seems one of the best ways to build relationships between countries...

bravoitaliano11 karma

Two wieners next to anoth-er wiener. (Dangle dangle floppy wiener). Nice and soft, not erect.

bravoitaliano2 karma

If we are the Babe On Board, what is the best way to get your attention, and how can we appropriately ask you out to a soiree off the plane?

bravoitaliano2 karma

Thanks for bringing light to Bi-Polar disorder. My mom suffered from it, and it's led me to have some apprehensions about dating bi-polar women. Specifically, the hypersexuality worries me, as I've heard from plenty of bi-polar female friends how they were with someone for years and then had an episode and went out and slept with 3-4 people in a day or two.

Can you shed some light on your relationship experiences, and how you've managed them in the past? It would be great to hear some positives, as I do not like to rule out an entire group of people, and feel like an asshole since I have so far. Only if you are comfortable sharing, of course. Thanks!