Highest Rated Comments

breetai381 karma

MC Lyte, man. Where did all the awesome female rappers go?

breetai322 karma

How do you get funding for your indie movies? Do you put up any of your own, have a stable of rich people throwing money at you, or is it difficult all around?

breetai38 karma

yeah honestly she was horrible on just about every stop she made plugging her book. I found her to give a political answer to every question asked, which made me think she probably was not really a very good judge.

breetai38 karma

ESPN would never allow that. They make sure it's all or nothing with cable. They would never let cable offer their service as premium because they would lose billions.

In every contract dispute, customers blame the cable company because it's ingrained in our heads to hate them. The Content providers know this and generally have the upper hand in contracts.

breetai38 karma

I heard Jenji on an NPR piece about the show and she said she actually approached Ira about doing the role for the show but he declined.