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breggen5 karma

More people are buying guns now than ever before including many minorities and people who are politically on the left.

Do you have any thoughts?

breggen1 karma

Pit bull breeds and mixes account for 55-65 percent of all dog attacks as well as human fatalities from dog attacks (depending on the years be surveilled) despite the fact that pit bulls only account for 6% of the total US dog population.

Two thirds of dogs legally shot in self defense are pit bulls.

More than a million pit bulls a year are euthanized in shelters and are the most commonly euthanized breed of dog.

More than a hundred children a year are seriously injured or killed by pit bulls and the breed accounts for roughly three quarters of all attacks on children.

Statistics and experts agree that the breed is inherently overly aggressive and problematic yet social media is full of pit bull apologists who ignore or lie about the stats.

Would you advise people against owning or breeding pit bulls and would you advise gun owners to be especially cautious around this breed of dog?


breggen1 karma

Our gun sub r/ActualLiberalGunOwner takes the broad positions that:

  1. The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right and not just a collective one

  2. Some amount of regulatory laws on gun ownership to some degree is constitutional.

These broad positions are in line with rulings by the courts as well as the opinions of most constitutional and legal scholars, as well as the positions of almost every gun rights/2A group.

A lot of discussion in our sub is centered around which gun laws are or aren’t constitutional and why.

The majority of large gun subs on Reddit decidedly lean conservative and/or libertarian and in every one of those subs the prevailing viewpoint is that all gun laws are unconstitutional.

Anyone who even suggests that not every law about guns is necessarily unconstitutional is quickly shouted down and has a litany of abusive comments directed towards them.

The prevelance of this extremist position among conservative gun owners online worries me.

Do you have any thoughts?

breggen1 karma

That is the Heller ruling in a nutshell and I agree with you.

It is sad but true that if you shared your belief that there can be constitutional limits on gun ownership on any of Reddit’s large conservative leaning gun subs, like firearms, progun, and gunpolitics, you would have to endure a litany of abusive and insulting responses.

It is concerning to me that online conservative gun owners as a whole seem to embrace what I see as an extremist position.

In a related issue I see a high tolerance in online conservative gun forums for racism, bigotry, incitements to violence, and extreme anit-government rhetoric.

Any additional thoughts?

breggen1 karma

In one of your response you revealed that your most common self defense situation that you have had to deal with in real life is defending yourself against aggressive dogs.

You indicated that you have had to spray an aggressive dog with OC on three separate occasions.

What breeds of dogs were those dogs?

I ask that because pit bull breeds and mixes account for 55-65 percent of all dog attacks as well as human fatalities from dog attacks (depending on the years be surveilled) despite the fact that pit bulls only account for 6% of the total US dog population.

Two thirds of dogs legally shot in self defense are pit bulls.

More than a million pit bulls a year are euthanized in shelters and are the most commonly euthanized breed of dog.

More than a hundred children a year are seriously injured or killed by pit bulls and the breed accounts for roughly three quarters of all attacks on children.

Statistics and experts agree that the breed is inherently overly aggressive and problematic yet social media is full of pit bull apologists who ignore or lie about the stats.

Would you advise people against owning or breeding pit bulls and would you advise gun owners to be especially cautious around this breed of dog?



