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brittommy55 karma

Hello, thanks for doing this. I have some questions about idolatry.. In the Bible, God makes it pretty clear that idols are a no-go. But I attended a church of England (not Catholic, but fairly similar in this regard) service the other day where the bishop walked down the aisle holding a bible above his head, preceeded by another holding a cross atop a tall pole with two candle-bearers by the side, and they all bowed to the altar at the front, neatly adorned with 2 silver candlesticks.

So my question is: how is any of that not idolatry? I don't think it calls out those rituals in the Bible anywhere, they're created by man and the church. Just because it's the christian God, doesn't mean it isn't idolatry. And I certainly don't think God & Jesus would care for them having all these fancy robes and gold crosses and silver chalices when they could sell them (or not buy them in the first place) and use that money to feed homeless, etc.

brittommy34 karma

Thank you for answering, but I would definitely argue that whilst the altar, the cross etc represent God, they are not God themselves, they are man-made objects.

Any case of idolatry is worship at an idol, which represents a deity (nobody worships a cross without interpreting it as some kind of holy object connected to God). Applying modern definitions of words to the meanings of the Bible's original text is always going to be iffy and lead to misunderstandings, but I'm confident in saying that worshipping the altar as a representation of God still falls to worshipping the altar, which makes it an idol. It's an object being used to create a physical sense of reverence.

This table in that cathedral is a completely different story to the Ark of the Covenant for example, which is pointedly and directly God-made (IIRC).

Exodus reads: You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness or anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God.

It may well come down to the opinion of "is the Altar God or not?", but in my opinion it is not. Bowing to it may be them bowing to God, but the fact that there is a physical, man-made object which demands reverence and respect as if it were God is pure idolatry to me. These objects detract from faith by placing riches in your eyes where you can see them, creating a sense of earthly wealth which can be mistaken for holiness. People may be deceived and think that is what God is. By turning everything into ceremonies and rituals which are rote and repeated, it saps the meaning away, it becomes a chore rather than an expression of faith. Maybe for the most devout such as yourself it can still be passionate, but I'm confident in saying that for 99% of people that take part in these rituals they're simply doing as they're told by the bishops, clergy etc, often not too happy about it either. Is that really worship? Or is that idolatry in a less physical sense: idolatry of pomp and ceremony, idolatry of the church, idolatry of the clergy? Any bishop may be placed there by God through Peter, but revering them as a conduit for God detracts from revering God directly. Worse still, they read the words of the Bible from their pulpits in repeated phrases, such as "God be with you" and the congregation replies in unison "Thanks be to God". Is that not a ritual? Can words be idols? Repetition saps the meaning and passion away, these people are expressing their faith and love to God by saying what they're told to when they're told to.

Even if none of the things I mentioned are idolatry, how and why are owning the objects and parading them about more important than sharing the riches they're worth with the less fortunate?

Thank you again.

brittommy2 karma

What, like it's hard?