Highest Rated Comments

browsing_at_work492 karma

Not a question, but just to let you know: I am reading all these replies in Gene's voice and cadence AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE THAT!

browsing_at_work13 karma

--Laughs madly and runs off screen playing keyboard--

browsing_at_work8 karma

Have you heard about the impossible tax plan from NPR show Planet Money? Follow-up: do you think it's possible to have a real discussion on the economy in today's political climate?

browsing_at_work1 karma

Once upon a time I worked for a sexual health office in the South myself. It's a hard row to plow and my hat is off to you.

Fun question: If you can answer without tipping your hand too much, what's your favorite campaign your office has put on?

Mine was a fashion show that involved outfits made from condoms. It was a bit of a takeoff on Project Runway, and the student's outfits were AMAZING.

browsing_at_work1 karma

Fair enough. But look up "Project Condom." It was our office's super fun project and if you pm me I can get you in touch with people who can help set the whole thing up.

Keep up the good fight!